
Non- Opioid Analgesics And Antipyretics

  • Chemical Composition

    Paracetamol 325 mg /1 suppository

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Mechanism Of Action Paracetamol is a clinically proven analgesic/antipyretic. Paracetamol produces analgesia by elevation of the pain threshold and antipyresis through action on the hypothalamic heat regulating centre
INDICATIONS KANAWATI KANADOL provides fast and effective relief of fever and pain. Kanawati Kanadol is used to eliminate discomfort due to colds or Flu, headache, muscular aches, back ache, toothache, minor arthritis, sprains and menstrual cramps. KANAWATI KANADOL is particularly suitable as an analgesic-antipyretic in cases of hypersensitivity reaction to aspirin, haemostatic disturbances (including those of anticoagulant therapy), and in bleeding diathesis (e.g gastric ulcer, gastritis and hiatus hernia). KANAWATI KANADOL for Children (Tablets 80 mg, suppositories, syrup) are indicated for the temporary relief of simple pain such as headache, sore throat, toothache, immunizations, fever and discomfort associated with colds and flu
CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to the product or any other components
Side EFFECTS Side effects with Paracetamol are rare, as it is a well tolerated medicine. But skin rashes and blood disorders have occasionally been reported. Paracetamol may cause liver necrosis due to short-time overdosage or long-term administration of the product.
WARNINGS If a rare sensitivity reaction occurs, treatment with KANAWATI KANADOL should be stopped. KANAWATI KANADOL should be given with caution to patients with impaired kidney and liver function.
DRUG INTERACTIONS : Interactions between paracetamol and Phenobarbital, phenytoin, or tricyclic antidepressants may occur. Caution should be exercised when paracetamol is used with drugs affecting the liver.
Dosage And Administration Kanawati Kanadol -250 mg: Children (5-8 years): one suppository (250 mg) 2-3 times daily. Kanawati Kanadol -325 mg suppositories: Children( 9-12 years): one suppository (325 mg) 2-3 times daily
Storage Conditions Keep out of reach of children Keep below 25° C Protect from light.