
Respiratory tract drugs

  • Chemical Composition

    Paracetamol 325 mg- Pseudoephedrine HCL 30 mg- Dextromethorphan HBR 15 mg

  • Packing


  • Medical Id


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  • License date


Mechanism Of Action Decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine, constrict the blood vessels of the mucosal lining of the nose and sinus and significantly decrease secretions. Paracetamol is a clinically proven analgesic/antipyretic. Dextromethorphan is a levorphanol derivative used for the temporary relief of cough. It lessens the severity and frequency of the cough, but does not inhibit the cough reflex.
INDICATIONS Dextromethorphan is an antitussive (cough suppressant) that is often combined with a decongestant, such as Pseudoephedrine, to temporarily relieve sinus congestion, runny nose, cough, sneezing, itching of the nose and throat, and watery eyes caused by cold or flu (influenza). Acetaminophen is an analgesic that is added to this drug combination to relieve the headache, pain, and fever that sometimes accompanies these illnesses
CONTRAINDICATIONS -Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. -Paracetamol should not be used in patients with severe liver disease. -Do not use this product if you are being treated with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or within two weeks of stopping treatment with these medications.
Side EFFECTS The most common side effects include dry mouth, nose and throat and stomach irritation. If dry mouth continues for more than two weeks contact your doctor. Decongestants may cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate
WARNINGS Large doses of paracetamol and alcohol have been linked to an increased risk of liver toxicity. Drinking coffee, tea, or other beverages containing caffeine may enhance the stimulant effect of decongestants. People with diabetes should check with their doctor before using a decongestant. Check with your doctor before using a decongestant if you have high blood pressure. It may cause blood pressure to rise. Do not take concurrent medication containing paracetamol.
DRUG INTERACTIONS Decongestants combined with MAOIs may cause serious cardiovascular effects. Decongestants may cause adverse reactions when taken with beta blockers. Caffeine and decongestants may cause excitability, nervousness, or irritability. Use of pemoline with decongestants may enhance the drugs stimulant effects. Drug \ Clinical Laboratory Test Interactions: None encountered.
Pregnancy And lactations Do not take this product during pregnancy or whilst breast-feeding
Dosage And Administration Adults and children 12 years of age or older : 1 - 2 tablets of Kanawati KANADOL Flu every 6 hours or as directed by a doctor. Do not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours. Reduce dose if nervousness or sleeplessness occurs. Prescription only
OVERDOSE If more than the recommended dose has been taken, speak to your doctor or take the patient to the nearest hospital immediately.
Storage Conditions - store below 30°C. - Protect from moisture and light . - keep out of reach of children