
Anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Chemical Composition

    Sulphasalazine 500 mg

  • Packing

    20Tablets - 30 Tablets

  • Medical Id


  • License Number


  • License date


Excipients Lactose , Avecell 101 , Gelatine , Sugar , C.M.C , P.V.P , Alcohol , Cross Carmellose , Glycerin , H.P.M.C , Mg Stearate , Sodium starch, Starch , Talc ,Purified water
INDICATIONS - Treatment of ulcerative colitis. - Treatment of active Crohn's disease, which affects the colon particularly. - Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis which has failed to respond to non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs.
CONTRAINDICATIONS KANASALAZIN is contraindicated in: - Hypersensitivity the components. - Hypersensitivity to sulfonamide derivatives. - Hypersensitivity to aspirin or salicylates. - Intestinal or urinary obstruction. - Children below 5 years of age, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
Side EFFECTS The adverse reactions associated with Sulfasalazine rarely include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, headache, fever, and skin rash.
WARNINGS This medicine should be administered under constant medical supervision. Complete blood counts and urinalysis should be done before and during treatment. KANASALAZIN should be given with caution to patients with haematological, renal or hepatic dysfunction.
DRUG INTERACTIONS The absorption of folic acid and digoxin may be reduced when taken concomitantly with Sulfasalazine.
Pregnancy And lactations KANASALAZIN is contraindicated in pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
Dosage And Administration - Treatment of ulcerative colitis: 2-4 tablets 4 times daily, depending on the case, preferably after meals. - Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: the daily dose is advisable to be raised
OVERDOSE The symptoms would be like those of any sulfonamide: Gastrointestinal disturbances, haematuria, crystaluria, and anuria. Management: Discontinue the drug, and assist the elimination by gastric lavage or emesis, also, intake of 2.5 - 4 g of sodium bicarbonate every 4 hours.
Storage Conditions Store below 30° c , in a dry place Out of reach of children Prescription only medicine