Oral Drops

Vitamins and Minerals

  • Chemical Composition

    Vitamin A 1500 IU - Vitamin D 400 IU- Vitamin C 35mg/1ml

  • Packing

    25ml/Glass Bottle+dropper-25ml/Plastic Bottle+dropper

  • Medical Id


  • License Number


  • License date


INDICATIONS Dietary supplement of vitamins A, D and C for the maintenance of good health for the growing infants and children under 3 years of age. Serving Size 1 ml Dropperful Daily % Daily Value Amount per 1 ml Infants Children Under Age 4 years Vitamin A 1500 IU 100% 60% Vitamin C 35 mg 100% 88% Vitamin D 400 IU 100% 100%
CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to any component of the product.
Side EFFECTS None encountered
WARNINGS Vitamin A and D toxicity can occur from exceeding the US RDA of these vitamins for extended periods of time. Parents should be cautioned against excessive dosage.
DRUG INTERACTIONS None encountered. Drug \ Clinical Laboratory Test Interactions: None encountered
Dosage And Administration 1 ml (fill dropper to top line). Dispense directly in the mouth or mix with formula, fruit juice, or other food. KANAVIT ACD drops have a pleasant, fruit-like flavour and are readily accepted.
Storage Conditions Keep out of the reach of children. Store below 25 C. After opening, store away from direct light