
Respiratory Tract Drugs

  • Chemical Composition

    Theophylline 50 mg - Guaifenesin 30mg / 5 ml

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Mechanism Of Action : Guaifenesin is an expectorant, the action of which promotes or facilitates the removal of secretions from the respiratory tract. By increasing sputum volume and making sputum less viscous, guaifenesin facilitates expectoration of retained secretions. Theophylline directly relaxes the bronchiolar smooth muscle (relieves bronchospasm) and pulmonary blood vessels. Theophyllines may alter the calcium levels of smooth muscle, blocking adenosine receptors, inhibiting the effect of prostaglandins on smooth muscle, and inhibiting the release of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis and histamine.
INDICATIONS Guaifenesin is an expectorant which helps to loosen mucus. Theophylline acts to widen air passages in the lungs to make breathing easier. This combination medication is used to relieve symptoms associated with the common cold, allergies, hay fever, sinusitis and other respiratory illnesses.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to any xanthine and guaifensin. New.Phillin should not be administered to patients with peptic ulcer, seizure disorders (unless on medication), hypotension, CAD, or angina pectoris.
Side EFFECTS Headache, stomach upset, loss of appetite, nausea, anxiety, irritability or nervousness may occur the first several days as the body adjusts to the medication.
WARNINGS : The patient should be instructed to seek medical advice whenever nausea, vomiting, persistent headache, insomnia or rapid heart beat occurs during treatment, even if another cause is suspected. The patients should be instructed to contact their clinician if they develop a new illness, especially if accompanied by a persistent fever, if they experience worsening of a chronic illness, or if they start or stop smoking cigarettes. Patients should be instructed to not alter the dose, timing of the dose, or frequency of administration without first consulting their clinician. The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of theophylline and guaifenesin combination medicine. These problems include convulsions (seizures), heart failure, liver diseases, and underactive thyroid.
DRUG INTERACTIONS Concurrent use of cimetidine, antibiotics of the macrolid type (e.g. erythromycin), lincomycin, allopurinol, furosemide and oral contraceptives may enhance the effect of theophylline, while beta blockers, barbiturates, rifampicin, phenytoin, carbamazepine and sulphinpyrazone may weaken it. Theophylline weakens the effect of lithium carbonate. The intake of caffeine-containing products while taking New.Phillin should be limited as it can increase the risk of side effects. Drug \ Clinical Laboratory Test Interactions. Theophylline may cause an interference with uric acid tests and tests for furosemide and probenecid. Guaifenesin may cause a color interference with certain laboratory determinations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and vanillylmandelic acid.
Pregnancy And lactations New.Phillin should be used only if clearly needed during pregnancy. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding, since small amounts of theophylline is found in breast milk.
Dosage And Administration Adults: 1tablespoonful 3-4 times daily. Children (6-12 years old): 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily. Children (1-6 years old): ½-1 teaspoonful twice daily ( morning and evening).
OVERDOSE If overdose is suspected, contact any medical centre immediately. Symptoms of overdose may include chest pain, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, fast heartbeat, restlessness, and seizures. Treatment: The stomach should be emptied by gastric lavage and emesis. Repeated doses of activated charcoal should be considered.
Storage Conditions - store below 30°C in a dry place away of light . - keep out of reach of children