
Anti-anemia drugs

  • Chemical Composition

    Folic Acid 350 mcg - Ferrous Fumarate 308 mg

  • Packing

    20Tablets - 30 Tablets -50 Tablets

  • Medical Id


  • License Number


  • License date


Mechanism Of Action Iron is an essential constituent of the body, being necessary for haemoglobin formation and for the oxidative processes of living tissues. The simultaneous administration of iron ( II ) and folic acid favours the formation of new cell nuclei and promotes the synthesis of the nucleic acids. This is extremely important , Particularly in pregnancy .
INDICATIONS FOLIFERR is used for the treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia and latent deficiency of iron and folic acid, particularly during pregnancy and lactation.
CONTRAINDICATIONS The preparation should not adminsterd in the case of iron accumulation (chronic haemolytic conditions), and impaired iron utilization (thalaessamia , anaemia due to lead poisoning).
Side EFFECTS Occasional gastrointestinal symptoms, such as sensation of fullness, nausea, vomiting, feelings of pressure over the stomach, constipation or diarrhoea may occur, but disappear on reducing the dose .
WARNINGS The Preparation should not be used in concomitant with parenteral iron; in addition FOLIFERR can not be used in cases of anemia not due to iron–deficiency.
DRUG INTERACTIONS Iron therapy should be discontinued during antibiotic therapy with tertracycline, since the latter inferferes with the absorpation of iron. Antacids, cholestyramine, Chloramphenicol, and levodopa can also reduce iron absorpation .
Dosage And Administration FOLIFERR is administered 1 tablet per day, but in servere cases the dose can initially be increased to 1 tablet 2-3 tims daily. The duration of treatment should be 2-3 months at least
OVERDOSE The ingestion of overdoses is resulted in vomiting and abdominal pain. Following this acidosis and hepatocellular damage can develop . Treatment consists of gastric lavage and inducing vomiting. Desferrioxamine is recommended as antidote.
Storage Conditions Keep out of reach of children Keep in a dry place below 30ْ C.