
No steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Chemical Composition

    Indomethacin 100 mg /1 suppository

  • Packing


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INDICATIONS - KANAMETHACIN has been found effective in the following. - Moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis including acute flares of chronic disease. - Moderate to severe ankylosing spondylitis. - Moderate to severe osteoarthritis. - Acute pains of shoulder
CONTRAINDICATIONS - This medicine is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to indomethacin, Aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. - Patients with active gastro-intestinal lesions should not take indomethacin tablets. - Not recommended for children. - Suppositories are contraindicated in patients with a history of proctitis or recent rectal bleeding
Side EFFECTS TABLETS: May cause nausea with or without vomiting, dyspepsia including indigestion, heartburn and epigastric pain, abdominal distress, constipation, headache, dizziness, and tinnitus. SUPPOSITORIES: Same side effects of tablets, besides rectal irritation.
WARNINGS - Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. - Used in elderly with great care, and used with caution in patients with impairment of renal function. - This medicine may mask the usual signs and symptoms of other infections, therefore, the physicians must be aware of this fact
Dosage And Administration The recommended daily dose is 50 – 200 mg divided on doses individually adjusted according to the response and tolerance of the patient. It is advised to take the tablets during meals or with milk , to minimise the possible gastro-intestinal disturbance
Storage Conditions Maintains temperature below 25 To accommodate a large space for children