
Uro-genital drugs

  • Chemical Composition

    Furazolidone 50 mg

  • Packing

    30ml/Glass Bottle

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Excipients Carboxymethyl Celluose Sodium ‚Glycerin ‚ Magnesium aluminium silicate ‚Methylparaben ‚Propylparaben ‚ Purified water ‚Sodium saccharinate ‚Banana flavour
Mechanism Of Action Furazolidone is a nitrofuran derivative with antiprotozoal and antibacterial activity. Furazolidone is bactericidal due to its interference with several bacterial enzyme systems ‚it also acts as a monoamine oxidase (M A O) inhibitor . Dysentria ) Furazolidone ) has abroad antibacterial spectrum covering the majority of gastrointestinal tract pathogens including E.coli‚Staphylococci,Salmonella ‚Shigella‚Proteus ‚Aerobacter aerogenes‚Vibrio cholerae and Giardia lamblia
INDICATIONS Dysentria is indicated in the specific and symptomatic treatment of bacterial or protozoal diarrhea and enteritis caused by susceptible organisms.
CONTRAINDICATIONS 1-To obviate an Antabus ® (disulfiram )-like reaction which may occur in some patients ,the ingestion of alcohol should be avoided during or within four days after Dysentria therapy . 2-In general ,M.O.drugs ,tyramine–containing foods and indirectly-acting sympathomiimetic amines are contraindicated or should be used with caution in patients receiving dysentria 3-infants under 1 month should not receive dysentria. Furazolidone contradiction the breast milk of lactating women has not been determined ,therefore the safety in this circumstance has not been established . 4-Prior sensitivity to Furazolidone is a contraindication .
Side EFFECTS A few hypersensitivity reactions to Furazolidone have been reported including a fall in blood pressure ,urticaria ,fever ,arthralgia , and a vesicular morbilliform rash .These reactions subsided following withdrawal of the drug .Nausea ,emesis ,headache ,or malaise occur occasionally and may be minimized or eliminated by reduction in dosage or withdrawal of the drug. Furazolidone should not be administered to infants under 1month of age because of the possibility of producing a hemolytic anemia due to immature enzyme systems (glutathione instability ) in the early neonatal period .
WARNINGS disorders (G6PD deficiency ),allergies (especially drug allergies ).Use caution performing tasks requiring alertness if this medication makes you feel dizzy . If administered in doses larger than recommended or in excess of five days ,the indications must be weighed against the possible hazards of hypertensive crisis related to the accumulation of monoamine oxidase inhibition .If indications are sufficient –the patients should be informed of drugs and foods which predispose to hypertensive crisis : 1- Other known M.O. drugs ;however ,when indicated they should be prescribed with caution and at a reduced dosage 2-Tyramine-containing foods such as broad beans ,unpasteurized cheeses ,and fermented products are contraindicated . 3- Indirectly –acting sympathomimetic amines such as found in nasal decongestants (phenylephrine ,ephedrine )and anorectics (amphetamines ) are contraindicated . 4- Likewise, sedatives ,antihistamines ,tranquilizers ,and narcotics should be used reduced dosages and with caution . Orthostatic hypotension and hypoglycemia may occur.
DRUG INTERACTIONS It is important that your physician should be informed if you are taking any of the following drugs : Amphetamines or Appetite suppressants ,or Ephedrine, Isocarboxazid, Phenelzine, Phenylephrine, Phenylpropanolamine, Procarbazine, Pseudoephedrine, Selegiline, Tranylcypromine, Tricyclic, antidepressants, amoxapine, clomipramine, desipramine, doxepin, imipramine, nortriptyline, protriptyline, trimipramine .
Pregnancy And lactations The safety of Dysentria (Furazolidone ) during the childbearing age has not been established , as with any potent antibacterial , Dysentria (Furazolidone ) must be administered with caution during the childbearing age.
Dosage And Administration Dysentria Oral Suspension : Average Adult Dosage : Two tablespoonfuls four times daily . Average Dosage for Children : 5 years or older : ½ to 1 tablespoonful four times daily (7.5 -15.0 ml ) 1 to 4 years old : 1 to 1 ½ to 1 teaspoonfuls four times daily (5.0 -7.5 ml ) 1 month to 1 year : ½ to 1 teaspoonful for times daily (2.5 -5. ml ) This dosage is based on an average dose of 5 mg of Furazolidone per Kg of body weight given in four equally divided doses during 24 hours . The maximal dose of 8.8 mg of Furazolidone Per Kg of body weight per 24 hours should probably not be exceeded because of the possibility of producing nausea or emesis . If these are severe, the dosage should be reduced . The average case of diarrhea treated with Dysentria will respond within 2 to 5 days of therapy . Occasional patients may require a longer term of therapy . If satisfactory clinical response is not obtained within 7 days it indicates that the pathogen is refractory to Furazolidone and the drug should be discontinued. Adjunctive therapy with other antibacterial agents or bismuth salts is not contraindicated
Storage Conditions Store at room temperature, between 15-30 °C Protect from heat and light Keep out of reach of children Prescription only medicine