Ointment & Creams

Demratogical agents Acne

  • Chemical Composition

    Vit A acid (Tretinon) 0,025%

  • Packing


  • Medical Id


  • License Number


  • License date


Mechanism Of Action Less than 0.3% of the topically applied dose of tretinoin is bioavailable.
INDICATIONS : KANAVITA cream is indicated for topical application in the treatment of acne vulgaris
CONTRAINDICATIONS The product should not be used if there is hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients
Side EFFECTS The skin of certain sensitive individuals may become excessively red, edematous, blistered, or crusted. If these effects occur, the medication should either be discontinued until the integrity of the skin is restored, or the medication dosing frequency should be adjusted temporarily to a level the patient can tolerate. Temporary hyper- or hypopigmentation has been reported with repeated application of tretinoin cream. Some individuals have been reported to have heightened susceptibility to sunlight while under treatment with tretinoin cream. Adverse effects of tretinoin cream have been reversible upon discontinuation of therapy.
WARNINGS If a reaction suggesting sensitivity or chemical irritation occurs, use of the medication should be discontinued. Exposure to sunlight should be minimized during the use of KANAVITA cream, and patients with sunburn should be advised not to use the product until fully recovered. Use of sunscreen products and protective clothing over treated areas is recommended when exposure cannot be avoided. Weather extremes, such as wind or cold, also may be irritating to patients under treatment with tretinoin. KANAVITA cream should be kept away from the eyes, the mouth, and mucous membranes. Topical use may induce severe local erythema and peeling at the site of application. If the degree of local irritation warrants, patients should be directed to temporarily use the medication less frequently, or discontinue use. Efficacy at reduced frequencies of application has not been established. Tretinoin has been reported to cause severe irritation on eczematous skin and should be used with utmost caution in patients with this condition.
DRUG INTERACTIONS Concomitant topical medication, medicated or abrasive soaps and cleansers, soaps and cosmetics that have a strong drying effect, and products with high concentrations of alcohol and astringents, should be used with caution because of possible interaction with tretinoin. Particular caution should be exercised in using preparations containing sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid with KANAVITA cream. It also is advisable to "rest" a patient's skin until the effects of such preparations subside before use of KANAVITA cream is begun.
Pregnancy And lactations Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category C. KANAVITA cream should not be used during pregnancy. Nursing Mothers: Caution should be exercised when KANAVITA cream is administered to a nursing woman.
Dosage And Administration KANAVITA cream should be applied once a day, in the evening. Application may cause a transient feeling of warmth or slight stinging. Alterations of dose frequency should be closely monitored by careful observation of the clinical therapeutic response and skin tolerance. During the early weeks of therapy, an apparent increase in number and exacerbation of inflammatory acne lesions may occur. This is due, in part, to the action of the medication on deep, previously unseen lesions and should not be considered a reason to discontinue therapy. Therapeutic results should be noticed after two to three weeks but more than six weeks of therapy may be required before definite beneficial effects are seen. Patients treated with KANAVITA cream may use cosmetics, but the areas to be treated should be cleansed thoroughly before the medication is applied.
Storage Conditions Keep below 30 C. For topical use only. Prescription only medicine. Keep out of reach of children